The Kingstonian Podcast

Jim Reid - Making Difficult Times Easier

Dave Cunningham Season 5 Episode 22

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Podcasts featuring local history have been very popular with listeners.  Bill Stevenson was my guest for a show focused on the Facebook Page he set up – “Vintage Kingston”.  Chris West shared plans for the revitalization of the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes.  Brian Johnson told us stories of his 30+ years as captain of the Wolfe Island Ferry – stories about the Island and the waters between it and the City of Kingston.   This is another in the series but a little unique.  Jim Reid is the fourth generation to own and operate James Reid Funeral Home here in Kingston.  It all began when his Great-Grand Father, the original “James Reid”, arrived here with his mother and siblings.  He put his name on the facade on the building at 256 Princess Street in 1854 – and it’s still there!   

Our theme music is “Stasis Oasis”, by Tim Aylesworth

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