The Kingstonian Podcast
The Kingstonian Podcast
CFRC Radio - 100 Years!
This episode is a little different. The Podcast does not normally profile an organization or an institution but when a radio station reaches its Centennial, you need to acknowledge it. And when it’s a campus/community station, you need to spend some time talking about it!
STEVE CUTWAY is the longest-serving station manager at CFRC, having spent some time before that volunteering as a student at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario – which where the station is located. And that’s where he and I met, some 50 years ago! We don’t cover the entire century, but do talk about the ‘beginning’, the people and the experience.
Check out Steve's online show at https://mushroomfm.com
Our theme music is “Stasis Oasis”, by Tim Aylesworth
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Send comments & suggestions to thekingstonianpodcast@gmail.com
Episodes also air weekly on CJAI at 101.3fm (Tue. at 4pm)