The Kingstonian Podcast
THE KINGSTONIAN is a program that profiles individuals who are passionate about what they do for a living, about what organization they belong to, or, simply passionate about the community they are a part of. Hosted by Dave Cunningham.
The Kingstonian Podcast
John Armitage – Working to build a better community
This episode features a conversation with John Armitage – a man who has been at the forefront of building homes in the Kingston area for over 40 years. At the same time, John has devoted a great deal of volunteer time to various groups, including the Queen’s Rowing Team. We talk about it all.
Our theme music is “Stasis Oasis”, by Tim Aylesworth
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Send comments & suggestions to thekingstonianpodcast@gmail.com
Episodes also air weekly on CJAI at 101.3fm (Tue. at 4pm)