The Kingstonian Podcast
The Kingstonian Podcast
Ali ten Hove – From the waters off Kingston to the waves off Fujisawa City
Many of us spent time in August watching athletes compete at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. Yes, the Games were postponed a year, and, yes, restrictions were very intense; but the athletes were focused. Canadian competitors made their fans back home very proud. Ali ten Hove was one of them! Ali raced, along with her team-mate, Mariah Millen, in the 49er FX sailing class (more on the class in the conversation). How does an athlete prepare for this kind of regatta? What was the experience in Japan like? And what happens when that athlete gets back home? Welcome back, Ali; and thanks for representing Kingston & Canada!
Our theme music is “Stasis Oasis”, by Tim Aylesworth
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Episodes also air weekly on CJAI at 101.3fm (Tue. at 4pm)