The Kingstonian Podcast

Roland Billings – Definitely a three-pointer!

Dave Cunningham Season 5 Episode 10

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In almost every community, there is some form of organized basketball.  School gyms echo with the sounds of children of all ages, learning the game and the skills.   Obviously, these leagues need volunteers to make things happen – coaches, referees, and administrators.  In this episode, we focus on one such league and one very dedicated volunteer.  His name is Roland Billings.  Roland started off as a coach back in 1978 and has contributed many hours to the Pete Petersen Basketball League, serving as its President since 1992.  Basketball and its impact on the kids is incredibly important to him, but it isn’t the only thing.  He has given up some of the rest of his free time to the United Way, the Salvation Army and the Kingston Sports Hall of Fame.   His contribution to the community was acknowledged earlier this year when the City of Kingston gave him a Distinguished Citizen Award.

For information on the Pete Petersen Basketball League, type this into your search engine: 

Please listen for a tribute to Joanie Sagriff at the very end of the episode.

Our theme music is “Stasis Oasis”, by Tim Aylesworth

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