The Kingstonian Podcast
The Kingstonian Podcast
Wally Viner – Putting Things in Place for Later On
If you have lived in Kingston for any length of time, you’ll know the name Wally Viner. You may be familiar with his volunteer work with many different organizations in the City; you may also be familiar with his work as a practicing lawyer, for over 50 years. He may have retired from that profession, but he continues to be passionate about passing along information about – shall we say – ‘end of life paperwork’. Regardless of age, most adults have at least thought about writing a will or recruiting someone to act as a Power of Attorney or Executor. However, less than half of Canadians have done anything about it! When should you write a will? How detailed should it be? Who should act as your Power of Attorney? Which should you address first – a will or that Power of Attorney? Many questions! To help us with some of the answers, I sat down for a conversation with Wally, who now acts a Certified Executor Advisor.
For more information on the topic from him, go to
Our theme music is “Stasis Oasis”, by Tim Aylesworth
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Episodes also air weekly on CJAI at 101.3fm (Tue. at 4pm)